Saturday, May 28, 2011

Next EA Games Need for Speed: The Run

Need for Speed The Run

Electronic Arts’ game Need for speed has been one of the most competitive racing games in the market over the last few years. With loads of ups and downs in the different installments over the past few years, Electronic Arts appears to be concentrating on a different type of installment this time and it calls it ‘Need for Speed: The Run’. The following is the announcement trailer of the game that was released by Electronic Arts few days back:

From the looks of the trailer much cannot be said but it surely looks interesting from different perspectives. In The Run, players will participate in an “underground world of illicit, high stakes racing,” with races in places like San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas, Denver and Detroit. The game will feature high speed pursuits with player navigating across narrow canyons at breakneck speeds.

Need for Speed: The Run will be available on number of platforms like Microsoft Windows (PC), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo WII and Nintendo 3DS and is set to come to the markets on November 15th 2011.

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