Saturday, May 28, 2011

Driver: San Francisco Trailer and Game play footage revealed! Better than Grand Theft Auto?

Driver: San Francisco

For those of you who might still not know of Ubisoft’s game Driver let me tell you that it has been the only game that has tried to single handedly compete with Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto (Modern Age games). Ubisoft is currently preparing its next installation of Driver called Driver: San Fransisco which will be available on stores from 30th August 2011 and is set to be released on Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS , Wii (different version) and the OnLive system.

The game is based on the events after Driv3r in which Tanner and Jericho both survive a shootout in Istanbul and Jericho escapes to San Francisco while Tanner pursues him there. Take a look at the trailer for the game:

Jericho appears to be escaping the cops in a hijacked police truck with Tanner following Jericho to proceed on with a head on collision. Jericho’s fate is still unknown while Tanner is taken to hospital and left in coma. The game takes place in Tanner’s coma dream this time.

However, in Nintendo Wii the story will be based on Tanner avenging the death of his partner by going undercover. The gameplay video of the game is given below:

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