Friday, May 27, 2011

iPhone 4s Coming Soon on WWDC June 6 ?

TIPB, one of the most popular sites in the world in Apple News, reported that UK journalists have received an invitation for the next WWDC on June 6 the invitation included the launch of the new iPhone 4S.

According to TIPB Source that Siad:

A source tells us that Apple’s UK iPhone PR team is approaching journalists from major publications to fly out to the event in San Francisco next month. The obvious conclusion would be that Apple is announcing a new iPhone. Or rather, an updated model. The iPhone 4S is slated as a stop-gap before the appearance of a true, they’ve done it again!’ game-changer next yearAccording to electricpig report, Apple CEO Steve Jobs will deliver the keynote at the event, though we’d be surprised if the company didn’t show off a newly updated iOS 5 operating system regardless.

Do you think that apple will release the iPhone 4S in the next WWDC on June 6 with iOS 5 operating system ?

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