Saturday, May 28, 2011

IOS Getting better and better [IOS 5 Features] - Notification Syetem (NEW)

It provides the first use of dynamic icons that change appearance depending on the notification received, so as to indicate clearly the type of message received. In the case of Facebook - shown in the example - the icon will change from the classic one by one in which you view the symbol of the post, just to communicate to receive a new message.

Notifications no longer appear, however, through pop-up in the middle of the screen but will be placed at the top of the display via a dedicated bar that will appear and will be hidden as needed. By double swipe down and you will see in detail the notification received.


By this new icons applications we can do a quick search through the various messages contained in this section. Click on the icon of an application, finally, we review the specific notifications for that service.

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