Friday, May 27, 2011

All You Need To Know About Ubisoft’s Next Installment Assassin’s Creed: Revelations!

Assassins Creed

Assassin’s creed has been the game that has dragged people towards it and has been a hit for Ubisoft over the last few years. After the release of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, it looked like the end for Assassin’s creed installment but towards the end of the game we got our hints to Ubisoft’s next installation called Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and it didn’t take much time for Ubisoft to announce the game as well. Let’s look at the game in greater detail and see what Ubisoft has to bring for us:

  • Developer: Ubisoft
  • Publisher: Ubisoft

  • Genre: Third-person action-adventure, open world
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
  • Release dates: November 2011
  • Overview:

The game features Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who is 52 now, along with Altaïr ibn La-Ahad and Desmond Miles. Players will be able to play as Altair and Ezio both. The game starts off with Ezio travelling to old assassin’s stronghold in Masyaf where he discovers Altair sealing away a powerful artifact in the fortress and hides the keys in Constantinople. These seals are the old relics of first the first civilization that hold memories of Altaïr. Also during the game, players will proceed on with the story of Desmond where he will enter Animus in which he has found a safe mode called Black Room. The game is set to take place in Constantinople (Istanbul in modern day) with four districts:: Constantin, Beyazid, Imperail and Galata.

  • Features:

The game will allow users to use a new item called hookblade, which will increase the speed of movement during the game as the player can zipline across the city. Furthermore, the Eagle vision will be renamed to Eagle Sense and this is how Ubisoft’s Alex Amancio explains Eagle sense:

“Eagle sense lets you focus on a character and see where he’s been. You’ll get an approximation of where he will go. If you’re able to detect the path a guard will take, you can run ahead, set a bomb, and create a trap or an ambush.”

Players can make Assassin’s Dens within the game, and if these are attacked, player can send troops to quell the threat. Assassin’s dens will be able to users once the kill the Templar presence in a particular area and once they have obtained this, they can upgrade and add ziplines to move across the city. Also, to add more interest to the game, real time scenarios will be encountered during the game like the player can encounter a shop owner being robbed.

  • Screenshots:

Here are a few screenshots of the game:

Assassin’s Creed Revelations

Assassins Creed Revelations

Assassins Creed Revelations

Assassins Creed Revelations!

  • Videos:

From the description of the game, it can be clearly analyzed that the game won’t be disappointing at all and will be worth buying. However, considering the multiplayer of the game, it will be an upgraded version of the one found in Brotherhood and will contain new characters and locations and users will be able to customize their appearance and weapon as well as start a guild. Stay tuned for more information on Assassin’s creed Brotherhood.

[Via: Wikipedia]

[Image credit: Gamespot]

Via twitter

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