Monday, June 6, 2011

WWDC 2011: iOS 5 To Have Android-Like Notifications, Widgets, BlackBerry-Like Messaging

It looks like that Joshua Topolski of This is my next and the editor in chief of Engadget has got its own iOS 5 and he reveals some of its features. He says iOS 5 will sport BlackBerry-like notifications bar at the top of the screen which looks like an imaged leaked earlier today. “Messages will appear and then slide back up in a unobtrusive manner, similar to webOS”, the author writes.

Topolsky also describes a dedicated notifications window and – yes, widgets. The lock screen will also provide access to notifications “through a pulldown window which you reach by swiping at the top of the screen downward… just like Android”, Topolsky writes.

As for the BlackBerry-style messaging, the source claims that “Apple is readying it’s own MMS / SMS protocol which will be a native part of the phone” and have the ability to “automatically identify iOS users and route the message accordingly”, which is a bit murky, but that’s what the source said.

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