Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Apple To Add Twitter Service To iOS 5

It looks like that Apple is focusing more on Social integration as we heard some rumors about coming MediaStream Service to iOS 5, but it seems that Apple will add official Twitter app in iOS 5, also you will be able to send photos to your twitter account directly from iPhone's app camera app.

TechCrunch about the coming Twitter app :

“We’re hearing that Apple’s new iOS 5 will come with an option to share images to Twitter baked into the OS. This would be similar to the way you can currently share videos on YouTube with one click in iOS. Obviously, a user would have to enable this feature by logging in with their Twitter credentials in iOS. There would then be a “Send to Twitter” option for pictures stored on your device.”
Also John Gruber the CEO of DaringFireball added a nice comment :

“So close to the bigger story, but yet so far. Imagine what else the system could provide if your Twitter account was a system-level service.”
And 9to5Mac detailed a hidden iOS social network back in January that could be unveiled with iOS 5 :

“From the looks of different alerts and plists, it appears that Apple will let iPhone users set up “Photo Streams” that friends could “subscribe” to. Also, it looks like there will be some privacy preferences related to this, so you can choose who is allowed to view your “Streams.”
With Photo Streams, you will also be allowed to “invite” other users to view your pictures as you take them and upload them to a service. This service looks like it is connected to MobileMe, and we speculate that “Media Stream” can be directly connected to “Find my Friends.” We think Find my Friends will be another aspect of Apple’s social network, a part of a free MobileMe, where you can choose to view your friends’ “Photo Streams” all on that same map.”

Who knows, Apple may throw Facebook support in iOS 5 too.

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